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Strong & Durable Hot & Cold Rolled Bars

The construction and welding industries depend on high-quality steel products to keep their finished work long-lasting while meeting their clients’ expectations. Sabel Steel has been in the steel business since 1856, and our experience in the changing demands of our Southeast customers has taught us never to sacrifice product quality or customer service. We work with our clients to provide exceptional steel goods for their projects like hot and cold rolled bars in the Southeast and throughout Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

group of men welding

Quality Products for Various Project Needs

Clients use Sabel Steel‘s collection of products in a wide array of projects, including transportation, agriculture, mining, oil, and many other industries. Our selection of hot and cold rolled bars applies to welding and construction projects for railroads, I-beams, and other uses. Professionals use hot rolled steel in situations that do not require the metal to meet precise shapes or tolerances. Cold rolled steel is an excellent option in the construction industry to build structures like industrial buildings, steel sheds, and garages. The applications vary, but all industries need hot and cold rolled bars of high quality to ensure the best results and longevity. Our inventory of hot and cold rolled products includes the following:

  • Hot Rolled Strip (Commercial Quality)
  • Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Bars
  • Concrete Reinforcing Bars
  • Medium Carbon Alloy Bars
  • Cold Finished Bars
  • Cold Finished Carbon Steel

The Difference Between Hot Rolled & Cold Rolled Bars

Applying heat during processing can affect the steel’s qualities. Hot rolled steel is processed at very high temperatures as we roll the steel, and we can easily shape it into larger-sized products, such as round and flat bars. Hot rolled bars are a popular product in construction and welding. They are a less expensive option for projects not requiring exact precision for their end-use. Cold rolled bars involve more processing than hot rolled steel, and cold finishing includes options like turning, grinding, polishing, and cold drawing to get rid of imperfections. The process also increases the steel’s tensile strength, gives it an attractive finish, and sizes it to within tolerance. Cold rolled bar is also faster and easier to machine, leading to less waste and a reduction in overall parts cost.

We Help Southeast, AL Clients Complete Their Projects

Sabel Steel looks forward to fulfilling your steel supply needs, including high-quality hot and cold rolled bars. We value the trust you put in us to supply your construction and welding needs, and we maintain a commitment to producing and selling steel products that meet high industry standards.

Serving a Variety of Industries Since 1856