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Count on Sabel Steel for Expanded Metal & Grating

Whether your project requires a skid-resistant flooring option or stairs that drain rainwater and other liquids, Sabel Steel has reliable solutions. Our inventory of high-quality metal products for construction, industrial use, and other applications includes expanded metal and grating. Clients in the Southeast and throughout Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, and Louisiana count on us because we put customer service and product quality as our top priorities.

man on construction site

Products Are Available in Southeast, AL & Beyond

Sabel Steel is ready to supply your project with expanded metal and grating. We have a comprehensive list of metal products available to our Southeast customers, and our team works with you to provide the best product solutions to your specifications.

Our Versatile Options for Numerous Applications

Expanded metal and grating have many applications at job sites of all types. Professional facilities in mining, oil, agriculture, construction, and countless other industries take advantage of its durability, cost-effectiveness, and various other benefits. You can use grating, deck span, and grip strut to create safe steps and flooring that drains whenever weather or spills land on them. Sabel Steel’s collection of expanded metal and grating includes the following:

Expanded Metal Sheets

You can choose a standard design or go with one of the countless pattern variations to produce your expanded metal sheets. Keep in mind which characteristics are most important to you and critical for your application when selecting a pattern. An increased pattern size improves cost-effectiveness and alters the open area, and varied strand width changes its weight and appearance.

Expanded Metal Grating

Standard expanded metal grating comes from the press with the bonds and strands at a uniform angle to the sheet’s plane. Because of the process, expanded metal grating has better strength and rigidity, and it has a skid-resistant surface. If you go with flattened expanded metal, the press turns down the bonds and strands to produce a flattened surface.

Welded Steel Grating

If you need bar grating that will not face exposure to an expressively corrosive environment, welded steel grating is an excellent choice. Welded bar grating is the most common bar grating type, and the steel grating joins at the crossbar and bearing bar intersections. It is an ideal and versatile choice for areas with light to moderate loads.

Deck Span and Grip Strut

This plank-type grating panel is a one-piece solution for flooring and other grating applications. We form it using a single piece of steel, leaving an open-ended diamond matrix and a serrated surface. There is a continuous channel on each side, and it stands up to adverse conditions, making it an excellent option for indoor and outdoor placement.

Serving a Variety of Industries Since 1856